I 💛 Gold

"Gold is a treasure, and he who possesses it does all he wishes to in this world and succeeds in helping souls into paradise."
Christopher Columbus

Gold was discovered in its most basic and natural state – in streams and in the ground of the ancient world – and gold is one of the first precious metals known to mankind. As a natural response to its beauty and rarity, gold became a symbol of royalty and glamour in nearly every culture that was able to obtain it. Its brilliance and resistance to tarnish made the precious metal an ideal jewellery-making commodity, and eventually a viable currency.
About 244,000 metric tons of gold has been discovered to date. Most of that gold has come from just three countries: China, Australia and South Africa.
Throughout history, gold has been treasured for its natural beauty and radiance. For this reason, many cultures have imagined gold to represent the sun.

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Coded by Kylie Staats