Be the voice for the voiceless animals

Did you know that you don’t have to always adopt a pet or donate money to shelters for being able to help the animals?   Being kind to the strays, putting a bowl of water out in summers, donating your old clothes and newspapers to the shelters, volunteering on weekends at animal-rescue organizations, and educating children to treat them appropriately; none of these ways require you to make any extraordinary efforts but only your willingness to be conscious about helping.

By choosing to buy cruelty-free products, you can save millions of animals from inhumane treatment and slaughter. A report by PETA has confirmed that each year, more than 100 million animals are killed in U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity-driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing.

Another most overlooked aspect is processed meat consumption. The World Health Organization has determined that processed meat is a major contributor to colorectal cancer, classifying it as “carcinogenic to humans.” Just one hot dog or a few strips of bacon consumed daily increases cancer risk by 18 percent. So why do we need to consume something that is hazardous to both the lives of humans and animals alike?

Animals don’t have a voice of their own. But we do. People who act responsibly to the environment and show empathy for other beings can become a powerful force in their communities, in the political arena, and in the marketplace. When lots of people join in, they can exert a tremendous, collective impact on the lives of animals.

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