Hear me out: 納豆 (Natto)

(Japanese fermented soybeans)

Natto on rice

The world can be divided into two groups: those who love 納豆 and those who don’t. Maybe that sounds like an exaggeration, but I have seldom met anyone who’s neutral on the subject. I think that’s because 納豆, like stinky tofu, has such a distinct taste that you can never accurately encapsulate it to someone who has never tasted it before. And once they have tried it, it’s really up to their taste buds to decide if it’s something they love, or something they want to regurgitate and burn. Personally, it's one of my favorite foods ever and the first thing I start craving when I'm studying abroad.

Here's a cool BBC article

This page was built by Sakiko Miyazaki (a natto fan)