If There Is No Love, Let There Be Nothing

Welcome to your safe and disconnecting place

Hi there! My name is Sabrina, I was born at 3600 meters above sea level, name of the city: La Paz, Bolivia; same as my second last name. Second last name because I come from a family with Castilian origin, culture in which we have two surnames,the father's and the mother's. My mother tongue is Spanish (in many accents) but I can also speak english, italian and a little bit of french to survive a few days in Paris. I currently live in Spain- popcorn and bubble tea are my addiction and I could eat sushi all day long as well. I disconnect by singing and playing tennis, as well as learning to try new sports or any type of activities. OK, ENOUGH ABOUT ME.

I just wanted to introduce myself to serve as an example of how we can break the ice of this community. To understand a little bit the purpose of this website: to have access to content of love and happiness, as well as to be a space to let off steam. Also a place of random things sharing... Anyway, the goal is to build a community of free and respectful expression of opinion. Straight to the point now - leave you with some of my to-go escapes whenever I´m feeling a bit moody or sad. My disconnection is through the following three elements: