Chilli Sauce

Extra Hot Sauce

Made with garlic, ginger and 3 hottest chillies in the world - Carolina Reaper, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and 7 Dot Douglah

Lemon Hot Sauce

Made with Eureka lemon, kaffir lime leaves and Thai chillies - Prik Chee Fah chilli and a hint of Prik Kee Noo chilli

Sweet Hot Sauce

Made with caramelised onion, date syrup and a hint of smoky and sweet chillies - Chocolate Habanero and Albino Sweet Pepper

Chilli Oil

Crispy Mushroom Chilli Oil

Fragrant Shiitake and Woodear mushroom in Thai chillies Thai chillies oil

Fried Black Garlic Chilli Oil

Fried garlic and 4-day roasted black garlic in Thai chillies oil

Rose-Infused Chilli Oil

Dried Rosa rugosa petals in smoky and sweet chillies oil

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