

What is Prayer?

Prayer is communicating with God. This is not just us telling God of our needs, desires and wants. It is us also listening for Him to respond to us. Most get concerned if they are really hearing God talking back. Yes, one must be careful to ensure one is hearing right. However, once you become a believer in Jesus, it becomes easy to decipher His voice. Also, The best way to ensure one is hearing God is through the word of God- the bible. God will never tell you to do anything contrary to His word and He will never tell you to cause harm to another or commit a crime. There are different types of prayers and the primary types of prayers are:

  1. Supplication: Defined as the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly; this is the most common form of prayer. Asking God humbly for the things we want.
  2. Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving is the act of expressing or feeling thankfulness; giving thanks for what you are grateful for. God gives good and perfect gifts and acknowleging this goodness enriches our communion with Him.
  3. Adoration: This means deep love and respect. In prayer, it is expressing our deep love and respect to God. It takes reflection of the person of God to get to this state.
  4. Thanksgiving: It is a prayer offered to acknowledge our wrongdoings or sins and ask for forgiveness from God. Verbal communication of one's sins to God even though God knows everything is liberating.
  5. Intercessions: Prayer offered on behalf of another individual, group of persons, country or nations. Learning to pray for others is one of the best habits to imbibe.