False Lashes

For Your Eyes


Eyelash extensions can be eyelash by eyelash (a synthetic eyelash glued to a natural eyelash) or in volume (from 2 synthetic eyelashes glued to a natural eyelash). This treatment aims to lengthen, give volume to the natural eyelash and beautify the eye of the person taking into account the shape of his face.
The eyelashes are made of silk fiber or micro fiber (plastic extensions no longer exist from approved suppliers). There are several eyelash extension services: complete application, application at ⅔, application at the outer corners and retouching. The glue used for eyelash extensions must have obtained a European marketing authorization.
The extensions fall with the natural eyelash according to the natural eyelash growth cycle (between 45 and 90 days). A new extension can then be applied while respecting the nascent eyelash. They can be posed for everyday life or on the occasion of weddings, family celebrations or others. The fillings last 30 to 40 minutes but it can be longer because everyone has more or less hair.

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