In order to make honey, bees tend to visit 50,000 flowers with almost 60,000 bees in each colony. Its a remarkable journey they make in order to extract nectar from our flowers .Working together as a team they decide what flowers to visit. A single bee passes through different roles, we have a worker bee that travels over 5km in search for the best nectar. Once the worker bee returns to the colony it passes the nectar to the younger ones called the house bees. Then the house bees takes the nectar inside the house and stores it in hexagonal shapes cells to transform the nectar into honey using a movement with their wings resulting in a soft breeze with the intention to dry the nectar with the final product: honey. For more information on the exciting journey the bees follows click here
What can you do? The shift to organic foods, purchase only from organic companies, and the use of only organic fruit is only some of the solutions provided by the organization "Beyond Pesticides". Below are some solutions we can make to keep the equilibrium between the bees ecosystem and society: More information