Clean Your Home & Mind
With New Year Moon Water

moon water

What Is Moon Water?

The concept of using the moon as a purifier has been around for millenia. However, with the rise of healthy lifestyles and boho-style influencers you may have stumbled across the term moon water a lot recently. Put simply, moon water is water that has been purified by moonlight. You can use it for your mind, body and home.

How to Make Moon Water

Find an airtight glass jar, we personally love mason jars for their aesthetics. You can use tap or spring water. However, we recommend staying clear of buying bottled water from large companies whose ethics are questionable. You don't want to sullify your good intentions with extra plastic usage.

Then click our Full Moon Tracker at the bottom of the page to find out when your next full moon will be. Before the moon rises, set your intentions while holding your water and place it outside where it will under the moonlight. You can leave it on a windowsill if you don't have outdoor space. Remember to bring it back inside before sunrise though!

crystals and moon water

Modify Your Moon Water

You can use water-safe crystals such as quartz or amethystto heighten the power of your moon water. Make sure that their crystal energy is also purified before you include them. If you intend to make drinkable moon water place your crystals around the jar rather than inside. Herbs such as lavender and mint make fantastic additions and are safe to consume.

The Many Uses of Moon Water

There are many ways to use your moon water, from your home to your heart. Let's take a look at the most common.

When is your next full moon?