The Art of Folding:

Paper Boat

"In Christianity, we know the story of Noahs Ark where Noah built a large ark (boat), gathered all types of animals, one male, and one female to save them from the great flood. The God engulfed all world in the flood to wash all sins and only Noah, his family and animals he collected survived. In Islam, there is a similar story “Safina Nūḥ” (Noahs Boat) and also contains a great flood. Paper Boats most often symbolize life. Like life, the paper boat wont float forever and eventually, it will sink because everything has an end. And like life, the paper boat is fragile and can be easily destroyed. But it also symbolizes hope and innocence because the paper boat is going against the odds and can hold against flickering water to reach its destination." (STEM, 2019)