If you have taught or interacted with students during the last three years, you are likely aware of the critical need for social-emotional learning. The impact of the Pandemic is no small problem. We have yet to see the totality of students' transitions due to the sudden interruption of their learning routines. What is social-emotional learning? Why is it so important? Many parents and educators keep returning to these questions now that behaviors and anxiety disorders are at an all-time high.
According to CASEL Framework, students need five SEL components for successful integration into their communities, schools and classrooms, and to socially connect with families and caregivers. These main competencies of focus are: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-making. Where is the time to write SEL lessons focused on the big 5 with an already tight classroom schedule? As a SEL consultant, I would love to collaborate with you to create some engaging SEL curriculum for your students!