It's a lovely life up in the mountains

🏕 an adventurer from the Dolomites 🏔

Odle Mountains Ortisei

There is nothing quite as exciting as seeing the mountaintops slowly descend from their snowy heights and join you, a mere mortal, as you pace yourself while climbing up to meet these not so gentle giants. The life of an explorer is never easy. You might fall down a cliff, trip on the wrong rock, be terribly dehydrated or even meet a not so friendly wild animal such as a ram or a snake, dead set upon ending your existance.
Climbing can also be a fantastic new thing to learn and try, though we do suggest that only people with a certain degree of good fitness habits try this out as it may take too big a tool on the bodies of those who have never climbed before and we only wish for you to have fun, not to hurt yourself.
But fear not, for all this is well worth the effort of seeing a view such as the one taken by our photographer (credits to Cam Ralens for the picture above) in your everyday life. And no adventure seems quite as scary or the new quite so daunting if you have an experienced guide at your side. All of the guides from our team have grown up on these mountains as well as having taken lots of very detailed training and certificates in all of the disciplines they practice with us and regular refreshes of their High Altitude First Aid training.

If you also wish to see these lovely views and join our crew of adventuring mountaineers, click the button below and join our newsletter for more mountain views and updated news on our adventures.

IMPORTANT - If you suffer from any heart ailments, if you have one or more small children or if you are above the age of 60 we strongly suggest you take precautions and only partake in our Beginners Adventures.

I would like to thank the alpine school Catores for lending their links for this fictional adventuring company.

Coded by Carlotta Missiroli.