~Art as inspiration for embroidery~

I love embroidery. The process of embroidery is like meditation, it helps me to be in harmony. But the most important reason of my passion for needlework is the possibility to reproduce paintings of famous and beloved artists on canvas with the help of a needle, threads and beads. However, this is not all that is needed for embroidery. For example, you need cross-stitch patterns. I consider designers of embroidery patterns to be real wizards. Just imagine - they can transform images with smooth lines into small, multi-colored squares. And you can embroider a picture according to this scheme. I call it "touch the art". You will be pleasantly surprised by the result of embroidery. Most often, embroidered pictures look no worse than the original. Here I would like to show my embroidered works. And you can learn a little information about some artists and original or prototype of paintings on this page. If you are interested in embroidery, you can click the button to buy the embroidery kit. At the end, you can play an art knowledge game.

Masterpieces of World art

Modern Ukrainian art

Traditional Ukrainian art

This page was built by Mariana Kovalenko