The Romanian deadlift is an effective exercise that targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings, lower back and core. Since it can easily be done with a pair of dumbells, it is a lower-body staple for many, including myself! This posterior exercise is characterized by a hip hinge movement. When perfomring your RDL, you must stand hip-width apart and so, as you maintain a slight bend in your knees. While holding your dumbells in front of you, send your hips back by performing a hip hinge movement and maintain a neutral spine. When pushing your hips back, lower down your dumbells until shin level. Afterwards, maintain your neutral spine and drive through your heels to fully extend your hips and knees while squeezing your glutes.
Common mistakes to avoid are:
Read more about the
Romanian deadlift
through the following links ⬇️
Want a challenge? Try B-stance deadlift.
Our next explanatory post will explain this challenging exercise!
B-stance deadlift