Meditate Online

Discover the power of self-cultivation.
Learn what makes millions of people around the world happy, healthy and full of energy


There are many reasons why people meditate. For some it is part of a spiritual journey and has to do with expansion of awareness and how they perceive and experience life. Some simply want to relax, and this benefit of meditation is self-evident. Other people are interested in the benefits of meditation for health and general well-being. This page outlines some of those benefits. The effectiveness of meditation comes from deep relaxation. When we are deeply relaxed, the body and mind are refreshed and revitalized. This brings many benefits that are both immediate and long lasting.Learn more about 👉 Benefits of Meditation

Here you can find some of our meditations to help you learn how to meditate or deepen your practice.
During the challenging times of the pandemic, we found that the need for connecting came to the foreground. Maybe life is still unfolding for you and you are experiencing worries about the future, or just adjusting to getting back to a new normal life. Whatever your circumstances we feel that a daily moment of connecting and meditating with others might be good medicine and so we are continuing to provide a twice daily free meditation online weekdays. All our online guided meditations are led by one of our experienced tutors and during the evening sessions, there is the opportunity to stay and chat after the meditation.
Do join us, any or every day for a nourishing practice and the sense of connection and togetherness, whatever else is happening!
Join Our FREE Online Daily Mindfulness Meditation
(10am-11am) & (7pm-8pm)
Monday To Friday