My Little Puppy, LV

A cute story about my sweet & lovely LV


How I met LV
On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, my mom and I were having our afternoon tea time. Then an idea suddenly popped into my head, "I want to adopt a dog!" Just like that, I went onto Craiglists and after hours of searching and almost wanted to give up (oh did I mention I was also searching for a dog for two years), I FOUND LV! Without any hesistations, my mom and I hopped into our car to pick up LV. I remembered the moment I first saw him happily running into my arms, it felt like I was destined to fine him. It felt magical!

About LV - My precious little angel
LV is a male Pomeranian. He was born on June 7, 2021 (just 2 days after my birthday). Of course, like mommy like son, he is also a gemini. He has the sweetest personality ever. Seriously, I am not biasing! One time, he fractured his front leg trying to get off my lap (guilty), literally did not bite any of our family members when we tried to "fix it" before attempting to go to a vet. Isn't that sweet?! When he wants attention, he would literally whine until I look at him and call his name. Or he would put his paw onto me and start laying on his back telling me to rub his belly.

Fun facts about LV

For more information about LV, please click link

This page was created by Anne Pham