✸ Cardinals ✸

A cardinal perched on a branch

Let's talk about them!

Cardinals are beautiful and vibrant birds that are easily recognizable by their distinctive red plumage. They are popular in North America and are known for their cheerful songs.

Cardinals are medium-sized birds that belong to the family Cardinalidae. They are also known as cardinal-grosbeaks and cardinal-buntings. There are several species of cardinals, including the northern cardinal, which is the most well-known and widespread species.

Cardinals are generally found in wooded areas, gardens, and parks. They are opportunistic feeders and eat a variety of seeds, fruits, and insects. They are known for their loud, cheerful songs, which they use to defend their territories and attract mates.

In North America, the northern cardinal is a popular backyard bird and is the state bird of several states, including Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Did you know that male cardinals are responsible for feeding their mates while the females are incubating eggs and caring for the young?
For more information, visit the All About Birds website.