"Sex Education" is a British comdey-drama series that follows the lives of students and faculty of the fictional high school, Moordale Secondary School. At the center of it all is Otis Milburn, a sixth former student whose mom, Jean, is a sex therapist. Growing up in a sex-positive and open household, Otis opens a sex therapy clinic to use his knowledge to help his fellow classmates navigate their issues relating to sex and intimacy. Helping him run the sex clinic is Maueve Wiley, a highly intelligent school rebel whose talents are overshadowed by her troubled home life.
While educating its characters on issues relating to sex, sexuality, and intimacy, the audience is also given an actual sex education as well! Like when Rahim asks, "What type of lubricant would you recommend for anal sex?" Jean answers that water-based lubricant is always preferred because oil-based lubricant will decompose the latex in condoms. Or like when Aimee, Mauve's friend, is concerned that one of the lips of her labia is longer than the other, Jean informs her that her vulva is normal and vulvas come in all shapes and sizes. Jean even directs her to a website called All Vulvas Are Beautiful, which is an actual website that you can visit! Not only are the characters being given the sex education they are sorely lacking by Otis and Jean, but so is the audience!
The show navigates serious topics that are not often addressed in TV shows such as abortion, sexual assualt, and violence against members of the LGBTQ community in a way that is empathetic and nuanced without being preachy.
The characters in the show range from all over the sexuality spectrum. There's Eric, Otis's best friend, who is gay, Ola, who is pansexual, Lily, who finds out she's a lesbian, and Florence, who is asexual. The show even starts to explore gender expression and gender identity with the addition of Cal's character in Season 3 who is non-binary.