Experience the magic of starting your business journey with Creators Club!

Believe in Mondays the way you believe in Sundays

New week, new energy! So why not turning our actions into achievements all together? Creators Club invites you to its Monday Mindset coaching sessions in order to achieve more, be more creative and avoid distraction. We are an energising and supportive business community for creatives, freelancers and entrepreneurs, and we cannot wait to meet you! Our Monday Mindset workshops always begin with a mindful meditation to start every week with a clear, inspired and focused mind. With a series of exercises and small group conversations - you’ll create a clear, visual plan of what’s important each week. On top of this, you’ll hear from other creators and entrepreneurs as they reflect on their progress and set new actionable weekly goals. In just one hour, gather new creative inspiration to start every week with more joy, gratitude and clarity. We’re here to champion you and to champion each other! Interested? You can register here 🤝

Two sessions every Monday:

“Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life.”

👉 Learn more about our story, our values and our supportive workshops 👈