β˜… David Bowie β˜…

1947 - 2016

David Bowie literally and figuratively changed the world, making it a more diverse place, a more accepting place, and, dare I say it, a better place. That kind of legacy needs to be remembered.

For when one solitary person can affect the lives of hundreds of millions stretched over decades and decades we must all stop and take note.

1. He lived to create
Having released a mass of 27 studio albums in his lifetime, Bowie created a wealth of music that weaves together truth and imagination, and still resonates with the world today. Beyond his role as a musician, he also explored other forms of artistic expression, including drawing, sculpting, and writing.

2. He was an innovator
Never one to fall behind, he took the world's changes into his own hands and embraced the future. Just when the internet was beginning to become a driving force in the world, he created his own server, Bowienet, in 1996.

3. He made his dreams come true
One of Bowie's life-long dreams was to write a musical. And, being the go-getter that he was, he made his dream come true. Lazarus was just one of his many dreams that he turned into a reality, and he inspires us all to do the same.

4. He lived with confidence
While he is most remembered for his role as a singer, listening to Diamond Dogs proves that he brought many other capabilities to his music. In fact he played just about every instrument on the album. As for that iconic guitar riff on "Rebel Rebel," it's all the work of David Bowie himself. Not only did he have talent, but he had the confidence to take hold of his abilities and bring them to life in his music.

5. He was incredibly determined
In addition to being a singer and multi-instrumentalist, he was also a producer and was a part of 10 bands in his lifetime. Very much a workhorse, he kept busy by getting involved in multiple aspects of his music career. Although he did accept a helping hand from John Lennon, who worked with him on Bowie's funky hit, "Fame."

6. He used his creativity to make a statement
From "Space Oddity" to "Valentine's Day", Bowie was always observing the world around him, despite the dreamer that he was. He used music as commentary, whether it be focused on strange social phenomena such as fame, or tragic current events that occur without rhyme or reason. Music helped him to make sense of the world around him, just as it does for us, and he used to to inspire change.

7. He brought life to his music
Bowie's imagination fueled him and inspired him to take his music as far as he could. One of his most loved characters, Ziggy Stardust from the song of the same name, lives the story of an up-and-coming rocker. Bowie was able to give Ziggy life in the song, but went even further by portraying him in the film Watchmen. More than bringing life to his music, he brought life to his ideas continuously throughout his career.

8. He never gave up
No matter what troubles he faced, he always fought for what he believed in and what he wanted to accomplish in the world. Even after he suffered a tragic heart attack during the creation of The Next Day, he continued to work on the album and kept fighting to achieve his goals. His final album, Blackstar, is filled with just as much passion and imagination as his earlier work, and shows how strongly he lived throughout his entire life. We're still remembering the time he rocked the stage at The Cap in 1997, and his music lives on here and everywhere.

Thank you for being our hero, David Bowie. β˜…

I do not own the copyright of this text. Words by Olivia Viana on CapitolTheatre.com

β˜… Page coded by Paloma Medina β˜