Vinyasa yoga class

woman doing yoga

Calm your body, mind and soul

There’s a reason why athletes are getting into yoga. It is great for the body — and the mind. If you’ve ever perused the yoga studio class schedule, you might have seen an entry for “flow.” Sign up and you’re in for some Vinyasa yoga. Flow refers to the fluid way one move, or asana, goes into the next. One of the connecting elements is breathing. A Vinyasa flow should be done in sync with the breath. It’s got a very different feel from Hatha yoga, a more static practice which asks participants to settle into poses for longer periods of time, taking breaks before moving on to the next.

The term “Vinyasa” comes from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit. “Vi” means “in a certain way” and “nyasa” means “put, place, lay”.. Each yoga teacher decides how their class is going to transpire. What string of asanas will they choreograph, and what do they want the class to “get” out of that string of moves. That is what makes Vinyasa Yoga so special: There’s no prescription for what the practice will look like from class to class. In contrast to Ashtanga yoga, where there are fixed series of exercises, Vinyasa is a free, creative style. Learn more on Wikipedia