Saving our Planet

Environmental Footprint


What is the Environmental Footprint?

Your footprint is a way of showing your carbon emissions, compared to other people and other countries.
It’s your impression on the planet.

By carbon emissions, we mean greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Humans produce these gases in vast quantities by doing things like burning coal, oil and gas for energy and cutting down forests. Your individual emissions are built up from the energy you use personally for electricity and travel, as well as the energy that’s required to produce your food and all the other stuff you buy, whether it’s made in the UK or elsewhere in the world.

We convert all the different greenhouse gases into an equivalent impact from carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. Your footprint value is in “tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent”.
In sumary, the footprint is the effect that a person, company, activity, etc. has on the environment, for example the amount of natural resources that they use and the amount of harmful gases that they produce.

How can I reduce my Footprint?

Learn the 5 R's principle:

A few simple ideas:

Where to Start?

We understand it can be overwhelming to start by applying the ideas in the list above all at once, so why not calculate your Footprint first to find the key areas that you need to improve?

Click the button below to find more about your carbon footprint.
