I Love Dogs

Especially My Toy Poodle 🐩!


Bella is a toy poodle which is the second smallest of the four sizes that poodles come in. There's a standard, miniture, toy, and teacup poodle, however, Bella is the perfect size for cuddles. Something many people don't know about Bella is that she's a senior dog and is 13 years old. Due to her size, many people believe she's a puppy despite all of her gray hairs. Some fun facts about Bella are that she loves to eat scrambled eggs, sun bathe, play with her toys and receive belly rubs. I love that she let's me take photos of her because she's so photogenic. If you would like to keep up with Bella, her virtual photo album will be linked below!
Follow bella on Instagram 📲

This page was coded by Myah Savage