I Love Tea 🍵

Especially Bubble Tea 🧋

Bubble Tea

The origins of Bubble Tea are often disputed. However, we do know it most likely emerged in Taichung, Taiwan. The owner of the tea house, Liu Han-chieh, got inspired after seeing cold coffee being served in Japan. At that time, it was a revolutionary invention, as a tea ceremony involved brewed leaves without any additives (until the Brits mixed it with milk and sugar). This is when customers could order the novelty cold tea cooled with ice in their local tea shop, Chun Shui Tang. When black tea was served cold, the tea house owner decided to experiment with other types of tea. Customers could have an iced green or fruit tea in the middle of a hot summer day. Not only did this invention earn the tea shop a much-needed income during summer, but it also unlocked new opportunities. Mr. Liu encourages his employees to experiment with cold teas and come up with creative combinations. This is when one of the employees (currently a vice president of the tea shop) decided to add tapioca balls to the milk tea.

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