🗣️ A bad day with coffee is better that a good day without it


Have you ever wondered why I love coffee so much? Like, how is it even possible to love coffee so much? Well, there are many reasons why I love coffee and today, I’m letting you in on just seven of them.

My love for coffee extends far back to when I was just a kid and would sneak a sip of my mom’s here and there. It then grew into a weekly Saturday morning tradition when my grandparents would come over. My love for coffee has developed over the years, but has grown more than ever the past few years. I know it may seem kind of silly to some to love something like a beverage as much as I do, but then again, it’s more than just a beverage to me. So, grab a cup of coffee and learn some of the reasons why I have a heart for coffee.

Reasons why I love coffee

9 interesting facts about coffee you didn't know

Many people start the day with a cup of coffee, and you probably make yourself a cup without thinking too much about it. However, coffee has a rich history and I'm sure you will be amazed at some of these facts.

Coffee has been around since 800 A.D.
Technically, coffee beans are seeds
Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer
The most expensive coffee in the world can cost more than $600 per pound
Several people have attempted to outlaw coffee
Finland drinks the most coffee in the world
Coffee drinkers live longer than non-coffee users
Caffeine-free does not mean decaf
Norwegians drinks on an average 5 cups a day

This Yes or No quiz will determine if you're addicted to coffee