Christmas Miracle

Holiday Candles You will Never Want To Stop Burning

Cristmass Candle

There's something just plain luxurious about the practice of burning a candle while you are home. After all, our sense of smell is highly connected to our emotions. Needless to say, holiday candles hit a sweet spot for the majority of us, whether you prefer crisp pines, bitter citrus, or the waft of incense and amber. And even if you're not really a "candle person," there are few things easier to kick up your festive atmosphere than a seasonal scent to welcome the winter holidays.

Of course, with winter comes more time indoors, but a good old-fashioned candle can conjure warmth, comfort, and Christmas cheer. While there are the classic scents we associate with this time of year — Frasier fir, evergreen, pine — the fragrances to choose from are seemingly endless. From black cherry to mandarin, thyme to cedar wood, and more, you're sure to find something you will fall for.

Get a head start on the holiday season, strike a match,
and fill your home with one of our favorite holiday candles