Child reading

We read every day. When we're reading a dreaded bill, scrolling on Google, or even adding friends on Instagram. How else do you know not to double tap that photo from 7 years ago?! Yet the majority of people still groan at the idea of having to pick up a book. We live in such a fast paced world that we are too accustomed to getting information at the drop of a hat and no later. Not only does that information need to be quickly received, but it needs to agree with our views otherwise it's not getting a seconds thought. Why would it when we can so easily find someone else that also agrees the earth is flat?! (Sorry flat earthers, but very quickly, before you go: it's definitely round.) There are many benefits to slowing down and reading. Some of which you will be able to scroll through below.

Don't worry, this page is not like WebMd - it won't tell you to remove your gall bladder for that watery eye you got after kissing your cat.