I love Fashion design


About me instead of about us!

I am somehow multipotentialite. sometimes I think I hardly need to start coding and some little time I am going to be a fashion designer. again I think about the technology and I think may be there will be more creativity by computers so why do I have to spend time on sketching or designing, at last in the morning I start coding and all the evening I am working on Fashion Design and I hope someday I can gather them both. Is there any way Matt?

Designed by Behnaz

But what is Fashion Design?

Fashion design is the art of applying design, aesthetics, clothing construction and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories. It is influenced by culture and different trends, and has varied over time and place. "A fashion designer creates clothing, including dresses, suits, pants, and skirts, and accessories like shoes and handbags, for consumers. He or she can specialize in clothing, accessory, or jewelry design, or may work in more than one of these areas."

learn more on wikipedia

If you are going to buy any of my designed dresses you can just click below