As the national association representing the beekeeping industry at the
federal level, the ABF maintains strong relationships with state
associations in an effort to ensure beekeeping challenges are addressed
across the United States. Each state having ABF members may appoint a
State Delegate to serve as a liaison between the ABF and its
association and local clubs and to participate in bimonthly meetings
hosted by the ABF State Delegates Committee.
A number of state organizations are also state sponsors of the ABF to
take advantage of sponsorship benefits. For more information on state
sponsorship, click here.
In addition to state beekeeping associations, beekeepers located in
close geographic proximity to each other often establish a local
beekeeping club and meet regularly to network and discuss common issues
that are affecting their operations. Many of these local clubs also
support their communities in a variety of ways such as charitable work.
Learn more on ABFNET.ORG
Click below to join within your state!