The Mangeroa Gully Restoration is a bold 30-year plan to create the first green corridor from Maungatautari Sanctuary
Mountain to the Waikato River. The strategy gives NgÄti Koroki Kahukura whÄnau and the local community opportunities to
restore the Mangeroa Gully and participate in activities to create a thriving ecosystem for our wildlife, hapū, iwi, and
local communities.
The project team is made up of three boisterous gals forever changing the landscape of home, one plant at a time! This
transformation has our people at the centre and a key outcome of the project is reconnecting whÄnau to the whenua.
The project has a strong research component that involves collating kÅrero and historical texts on the significance of
the gully including historical and tikanga-based practices within the gully area. The research will create opportunities
to build a MÄtauranga MÄori approach to the management of the stream and other whÄnau-based projects. KaumÄtua and
tohunga will be at the forefront in providing knowledge.
The project will ultimately see 8.4 ha of land retired and replanted, protecting and enhancing 1.1 km of stream/riparian
environment surrounding Maungatautari mountain.