What is Carob and Its Benefits
The carob tree, or Ceratonia siliqua, has
fruit that looks like a dark brown pea pod, which carries pulp and
seeds. Carob is a sweet and healthy substitute for chocolate. Using it
for health benefits goes back 4,000 years to ancient Greece. According
to the “Encyclopedia of Healing Foods,” 19th-century British chemists
sold carob pods to singers. Chewing on carob pods helped singers
maintain healthy vocal cords and soothe and cleanse their throat.
Carob is available to buy as:
- powder
- chips
- syrup
- extract
- dietary pills
You can eat carob pods when they’re fresh or dried, too. People who add carob to their diet have seen benefits like weight loss and decreased stomach issues.
Read on to find out more about how people use carob today and what kind of health benefits it offers.