The StartUp Research is a Post-Graduation program collaboratively built by scientists and
entrepreneurs from ITQB NOVA and NOVA SBE designed to create awareness in researchers of
the value their science can generate. The Program will provide Life Sciences researchers
with knowledge about innovation trends and management, business modeling and
bio-entrepreneurship soft skills.
On 2021, from February 7 to May 14, the 3rd edition of StartUp Research will be held in
a blended format of in-person and online sessions.
Application Deadline for 2021 Edition is December 6, 2020.
To find about the detailed program of 2021 edition, schedule, scholarships,
tutition fees and many more visit our
Innovation is the process of generating value by satisfying an unmet need, by a
process that employs problem definition, knowledge and creativity. Innovation
is critical to improve people’ lives and societal development. In the case
of Life Sciences, this may take the form of new or improved medicines, more efficient
and sustainable energy resources or new technological solutions to protect our
environment and safeguard our citizens.
An interdisciplinary approach to innovation has long been recognized as an essential
factor in translation of knowledge into effective products or services. However,
there are still critical communication gaps between the scientific community and
commercial actors.
The aim of the Program is to help closing the communication gap between
scientists and business stakeholders by providing researchers with the social
awareness and business skills, required to actively promote the translation of
their technologies into innovative amenities.
The StartUp Research Mission is two-fold:
Our partners and sponsors: