Hanging Plant Gif
Hanging Plant Gif


Plant Gif

🌱Aloe there! Are you ready to grow? 🌱

Image of a Golden Pothos

This gorgeous plant is a ✨Golden Pothos✨ (also known as Devil's Ivy). As one of the easiest plants to care for, the Golden Pothos is a super starter plant, and practically impossible to kill!
She is super simple to water, requiring one check a week and only needing water if the top two inches of soil are dry. In terms of light, she isn't fussy, but will thrive in a brighter spot! In the wild it has been known to reach up to 20m tall!

This is a ✨Prayer Plant✨, and is definitely not reccommended for beginners! She can be very dramatic if not given what she wants when she wants it, and therefore is quite hard for a beginner to keep up with!
The Prayer Plant is the symbol of new beginnings, coming from the phase 'to turn over a new leaf'. This (and the plant's nickname-the Prayer Plant) are due to the interesting nocturnal behaviour of the leaves. After sundown, the leaves fold upwards, giving the impression of praying hands. Another great thing about the Prayer Plant is that she is non-toxic, meaning any fur babys will be perfectly safe!
They require consistent warmth and light, yet this must be indirect. Maranta do better in humid environments, and therefore misting is preferred to watering.

Image of a Prayer Plant
Image of a Monestera Deliciosa

The Monstera comes in many different variations, the one pictured being the ✨Monstera Deliciosa✨. While it is a beautiful, spacious plant, it is important to keep in mind that this plant is toxic to animals and therefore this must be taken into consideration prior to deciding to home one.
Monstera can grow up to 70m and can even grow fruit (In the wild of course!)! She prefers to be in humid settings with indirect light, so be sure to keep her happy!

These cute little hangers contain the beautiful ✨String of Hearts✨. This delicate little plants make a cute little hanger, and help bring greenery into your home without feeling too overbearing!
While she may seem fragile, this plant is very easy to care for, and even to 🌱propagate🌱! This plant enjoys being in indirect light, as the leaves do have a tendancy to burn!

Image of a String of Hearts

🌱About Us ... 🌱

I adore houseplants, and always enjoy sharing them with my loved ones. I believe there is a form of 🌱peace🌱 to be found within them, as well as the fact that they are known to help improve both our mental and physical health.
I always feel a lot more productive when I'm around my plants, and feel like they help me form a greater connection and appreciation for and towards nature.
In terms of the home, it is no secret that house plants provide a more homey, cosy feel, creating a 🍄safe space🍄 as well as a comforting (air purified!) environment.
Please enjoy browsing my (non-exhaustive!) list of favourite plants, sign up to our newsletter, or contact us for any more info! I have also linked my favourite plant shop if you wanted to grab yourself a plant baby too, and start feeling the benefits of a greener atmosphere!

🌱Where I buy my plants!🌱

✨Coded by Beth Doherty ✨ for SheCodes final project