Art Therapy

Collage as an Artistc Healing Process

Spontaneous collaging is an easy way to begin expressing yourself with no need for artistic skills. Choosing images that emotionally "call to you" without a reason, and placing them together in a spontaneous way, free profound insights from your subconscious and unconscious mind. Especially this year, because of the worldwide reality of COVID-19, engaging in artistic activities will help us to release thoughts and feelings.

Look for images in magasines, newspapers, and propaganda. Creating a collage is cheap, fun, and easy. Cut whatever image catches your eye, as many as you like. When you feel satisfited, play around with them on flat surface and when you like the display get glueing! What are you wating for?? Start having fun with collage! 😁

love collage

" Collage is more than just an art style. Collage is all about bringing different elements together. Once you form a sensibility about connection and how different elements relate to each other, you deepen your understanding of yourself and others. "
Bryan Collier

pages4me collage

Collage by Sofia Lopez Jorrat watch more on pages4me