The Unexpected Adventures of a Halfords Hybrid

An Introduction to The Greatest Bike in the World

A hybrid I picked up for commuting to work which I felt no real love for. For reasons I cannot recall, I put gravel tyres on and made this my super fun, off road ride. Now we go on bone shaking adventures together. I'm no storyteller, so here I present these adventures via pictures and texts to friends.

image of a grey bike loaded with bags and water bottles against a blue garage door

The Adventures

Dunoon Dirt Dash

image of a bike on it's side on a narrow dirt path with a view of the hills behind

"I had to lower the bike into a stream today then scramble down the banking on my butt after it."

"It has been pretty brutal. It took us from 9 to almost 7 o'clock to cover 43 miles. Way too much really tricky 'hike a bike'."

"My bike held up amazing considering what it's been through today. My wee Halfords Hybrid."

"I just want to make sure that folks have a better understanding of what they're signing up for. You're not signing up for a simple bike ride. It's an all round physical effort."

The Pennine Rally

pic of a bike on a gravel track that snakes off into the distance
"The Tan Hill climb last night felt like purgatory. Is that right? When you die and don't go anywhere but are jist floating aboot."

"Left my helmet by the viaduct. If you see it, can you pick it up?"

"Don't know how I'm still going. Absolutely beat. I saw a dead lamb earlier and bawled my eyes out all the way down the hill."

"I'm having more fun than you."

Brother In The Wild

image of a woman pushing a bike up a steep rocky track with hills behind
"At Brother in the Wild. Halfway through day 1 and I'm dead. How the actual fuck did I manage the PR (Pennine Rally)?"

"Period came on during the ride...eating porridge and getting ready to go it again."

Want to read more about getting your period 🔴 on a bike ride? Of course you do, so Click Here.

Created by KimberlyCodes