Aerial Arts

Aerial arts may be for you if:

You want a fun workout.
You want to be mentally stimulated.
You want to be physically challenged.
You want a creative outlet.
You want to see progress in your strength weekly.

Woman inside of a hoop (called a lyra) in the splits. Pink background. image by Tyson Rider

Aerial artists utilize an apparatus, such as silks, lyra, or pole, to dance in the air. The various apparatuses provide a great way to connect with your body and creative spirit. If you are seeking to try Aerial Arts for fitness purposes, you will be happy to discover how quickly time moves when you are in the air. You won't even realize how much your body is doing because you will be having so much fun. Don't worry if you no upper body strength! Attending an aerial studio regularly is how upper body strength is improved!

Learn more on the Tantra Fitness Website (Located in Vancouver, Canada)

This page was built by Sophie Fawkes