Pomeranian Lulu

The Dog?!

NOTE: Hello everyone! Not all facts referred here are truthful. False news is a growing disease in today's society. Use your brain cells people! Even I have some. Hope you enjoy it! 😉😁


History Time!

Pomeranian Lulu, is the smallest variety of the German spitz breed. It is native to Pomerania, a region that includes part of Germany and Poland in Central Europe. Classified as a TOY breed due to its tiny tiny size! Pomeranian Lulu is descended from the German Spitz, a larger dog. For this reason, Pomeranian Lulu is also known as Zwergspitz 🤷‍ meh ("Dwarf Spitz"). The breed has become quite popular probably because they are easy to carry and look like cuddly toys made by Santa himself.


If you step on some Pomeranian Lulu, which is bound to happen, don't be fooled by it's small flea size and it's divine teddy bear face.
Run for your lives!!

dwarf spitz, small white dog, soft, cute, smilling, sweet, playful

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