Queer Author Spotlight

Qiu MiaoJin: 1969-1995

QiuMiaoJin sitting in a park while wearing a blue coat

In the late 80’s to early 90’s Qiu MiaoJin wrote short stories for local newspapers that were mostly political in nature (Alice, Irene, & Eli, 2022). Her first openly queer writing is called “Platonic Hair,” a short story that reveals the two main characters were women at the end (Zinamon, 2022a). Qiu’s most notable works are Notes from a Crocodile and Last Words from Montemarte. Notes from a Crocodile is a novel about the way queer people and lesbians live in society while still hiding who they truly are so as not to be caught. Its release was around the same time as a media scandal where a reporter outed several queer women publically which tragically resulted in some of those outed dying by suicide (Zinamon, 2022a). Last Words from Montemarte was released posthumously and can be read in any order as it is twenty letters from the character’s perspective (Zinamon, 2022b). This novel became a cult classic of sorts after Qiu’s death since it is her last work left behind at such a young age (Zinamon, 2022b).
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