
Healthy Baking and More

rose vintage cake marybakesss logo gluten free carrot cake

I am Maryam Ali, the founder and CEO of MaryBakesss. I started baking when I was in grade 9 so around the age of 14 I leanred I had passion for baking and cooking. That is when i decided I wanted to open a cafe, see the joy on peoples faces. but, when I turned 17 after highschool and after i opened my instagram page. I have met many people with health issues and intolerant to many foods including the people in my family, also people trying to live in a healthier lifestyle. I want people to be able to enjoy foods and desserts without feeling guilty and feeling uncomfrotable internally and externally. Right now I bake and sell from home. My goal is to make everything on my account gluten free and sugar free, but wuth the same great taste as any other dessert or foods! one day open a cafe for everyone to enjoy😊
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This page was built by Maryam Ali