♥ Just be kind ♥

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart

Kindness is a superpower


Kindness is the sincere and voluntary use of one’s time, talent, and resources to better the lives of others, one’s own life, and the world through genuine acts of love, compassion, generosity, and service.

Best of all, kindness doesn’t have to come in the form of huge, heroic acts to make an impact. Small acts of kindness that occur every day accumulate over time to create change. One kind act by one kind person can launch a ripple of kindness that moves across the world.

Smile by smile, moment by moment, and kind action by kind action — kindness builds.

Like money and information, kindness compounds.

Kindness inspires. Kindness empowers. Kindness brightens our days, betters our world, and makes us want to do more — to be more.

(Learn more here)


  1. Send kind words of encouragement to a stranger on the Internet who seems sad so they feel a little less alone. The Internet can be a cruel place, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be full of good people with kind hearts who use the Internet to do random acts of kindness for people they don’t know and may never meet. Kindness doesn’t have to be quiet.

  2. Surprise the employees and staff at a local organization you love with a gift of tasty treats just to brighten their day. Show your appreciation for all of their hard work and dedication by giving them an unexpected reason to smile. Good people who do great work better the world. Give them all the accolades.

  3. Help a senior citizen become more tech savvy so they can take advantage of more opportunities in an increasingly digital world. The world changes quickly, and it can be hard to keep up. Take a moment to make sure some people don’t get left behind — give elderly individuals who wish to learn how to navigate new technology a lesson in how to do so safely. Look out for those amongst us who could benefit from a little more of our time and patience.

  4. Give a stranger a kind compliment with no expectation of anything in return. Put a little extra pep in someone’s step by doing a simple act of kindness. Say something kind and sincere to a perfect stranger just because you can. It’s nice to see a stranger smile. It’s even nicer to know kindness is the cause.

  5. Let someone with a small number of items at the store go ahead of you in line if you’ve got a full cart or a large order. Little acts of kindness go a long way. The more we treat each other with courtesy and consideration, the better our world will be. No kind deed goes unnoticed.
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