

All About Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are a genus of over 75 species and 600 named cultivars that are native to a wide range of regions and countries, including Japan, Asia, Indonesia, Himalayan mountains, and the Americas. Another common name for hydrangea is hortensia. Hydrangeas can grow as climbing vines and trees, but are most commonly grown as a shrub. The plants can grow from 1 foot tall, all the way to close to 100 feet tall as a climbing vine!
The beautiful flowers produced by this plant is what makes these so popular. Most put on a showy display from early spring all the way into fall. The large flowers come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Hydrangea blooms can be pink, blue, red, white, purple and green! The flowering shrubs can grow in partial shade to full sun.
Many people remember hydrangea shrubs from their childhood. Today we are falling in love with them all over again. And the good news is that we can now grow many hydrangea varieties our grandmothers never even dreamed of. Some newer hydrangeas grow in colder climates, some are so small they will fit into the perennial border, and others have amazingly large blooms and deep colors.

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