Women in STEMM

Learn their names, share their stories


What does STEMM stand for?
STEMM is the acronym for science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine.
Woman in STEMM
What do we do?
In 2014 it was found that only around 15% of Wikipedia biographies were written about women. Efforts of initiatives like Women in Red - a collective of Wikipedia editors and Franklin Women - creators of Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon, have resulted in an increase in entries - but those entries still only make up 19% of the total.
We know that women and non-binary participation in STEMM continues to be significantly lower than men. The proportion of women working across all STEMM-qualified industries in Australia was sitting at 28% in 2020.
We also know that you can't be what you can't see.
As a result, we are passionate about building a free, interactive database of Women in STEMM, designed to appeal to students from early school age and onwards. In collaboration with Wikipedia we are building an independant index - and we need your help.
Do you work in STEMM and were inspired by a women before you?
Have you studied the work of women in the past?
πŸ“© Submit an entry below and help us collect these stories!
Find out more about the women who have made incredible contributions to these records so far, here and here.

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