How To Grow:

Zanzibar Gem

(ZZ Plant)

"Plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul."
- Terri Guillemets

If you’re a novice green-thumb, this handsome, low-maintenance plant is the perfect housemate. At home indoors or in a shady spot in the garden, the Zanzibar Gem is a hardy hero with high-gloss foliage and fleshy stems. Green your office desk or bring some natural vivacity to your living room with this undemanding pot-friendly plant.

Scientific Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Common Names: Zanzibar gem, ZZ plant, Zuzu plant, aroid palm, eternity plant and emerald palm

Native Location: Eastern Africa, from southern Kenya to Northeastern South Africa

Height: up to 1m

Climate: prefers a warm, frost-free climate outdoors, but is adaptable to a variety of indoor environments.

Soil: free-draining soil when grown outdoors; well-drained potting mix (like a cacti and succulent mix) for indoors.

Position: bright filtered light outdoors and similar conditions indoors. It can tolerate lower light levels, but will grow more slowly. Flowering and fruiting: not typically seen, but made up of a spathe and spadix, similar to a peace lily.

Feeding: use a controlled release fertiliser at the start of the warmer months. Alternatively, a soluble or liquid fertiliser is ideal throughout the growing season. Watering: allow the top of the potting mix to dry out between each watering.
Further Information