YouTube: A quick getting started guide 📹

So, you want to take a shot at creating a YouTube video? Go for it! There are endless opportunities on YouTube and it’s also fun hobby that gives you the opportunity to express yourself. Here is a guide to help you make your first video.

Woman setting up camera tripod

Finding your niche 🤔

Before filming, think about what kind of videos you’d like to make. Think of topics or hobbies that interest you, and videos that you enjoy watching, rather than hopping on trends. If you are making videos because the genre is popular right now, you will be more likely to burn out and feel a lot of pressure to get views. Do what you are passionate about.

Your equipment 🤳

When starting out its important to work with what you have. Most phone cameras can do a pretty good job with video recording and good lighting is important. I recommend filming in natural light before investing in lighting equipment. As you become more experienced, your kit will grow as you gain knowledge of video production.

Recording your video 🎬

It’s better to have too much footage than not enough. If you are filming an intro, like I was in my first YouTube vlog in Istanbul 🇹🇷 for example, you might want to have a couple of takes to choose from. There was some background noise in some of the takes I didn’t spot till it was time to edit, luckily, we had filmed a few takes. Film more takes to avoid this too! I recommend InShot as a free and beginner friendly editing software for Apple and Android.

Don’t watch the numbers 😎

Once you’ve uploaded your video, don’t stress about number of views. This may discourage you if you don’t get the number of views you expected for your first video. Almost 90% of all uploaded YouTube videos will never reach 1,000 views 😱, but you shouldn’t let that stop you! Try not to worry about YouTube Studio stats either, there is so much mystery to the YouTube algorithm. The best thing you can do is to reflect on your video and keep note of improvements for next time. Ask friends and family for honest feedback and see what you can change practically for you next video.

To sustain your YouTube channel, you must enjoy what you are doing! 😁
So have fun, and good luck! 🍀

Click here to watch my first video 💻📱