Harry Potter

Since middle school, Harry Potter has always been something that I enjoyed reading.
When the books turned into movies, little did I know it would become
a series that I would love forever.

harrys closet

Favorite movie from the series?

I love the Prisonor of Askaban. We first get introduced to Siurus and Lupin.

Favorite Character?

This one is tough,but I'll have to go with Hagrid.
Hagrid is an absoulte real one, as he was always there for Harry
from the very beginning. He even bought him Hedwig!

Hufflepuff House

Hufflepuff Crest

I never thought that I would belong in Hufflepuff.
I always thought I would belong in Gryffindor,
but after taking the Pottermore test throughtout the years,
I'm realizing that I'm a Hufflepuff.

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