Cats Are Awesome 😻

Reasons You Should Adopt a Cat

cat picture

Every year, approximately 6.5 million pets enter animal shelters nationwide, and 1.5 million become euthanized. Not only are pets scientifically proven to reduce stress levels and improve blood pressure, but no one can offer the unconditional love and companionship a pet can.Becoming a cat owner could be good for your mental health. Psychological reports suggest that cats can reduce loneliness in those who live on their own, plus having to feed and groom a cat can lend routine to your day and help you restructure your life.Cats enjoy your company, but they also love a little "me time" and like their own space. That makes them a low-maintenance pet that's ideal for busy animal lovers. Just feed them the best cat food and fresh water, keep a clean litter tray, get them some stimulating toys, and show them plenty of love and affection.

Need more reasons to have a cat?

  1. Cats are cute
  2. Cats are quiet
  3. Great conversation starter

  4. Adopt Today