Harry Potter

The boy who lived!

The wizarding world of magic movies, are my obsession. Yes, I'm obsessed!
The books are amazing, but my preferences, of course is the movies.


My fav Harry Potter movie would have to be the Chamber of secerects. The Phoenix shows it's beautiful healing powers and turns to be Harry's saving grace.

The thing I love most about the Harry Potter movies is that all of them have amazing lovely characters, that you get a warm fuzzy feeling about.
Hagrid is indeeed my fav, as he's proven time and time again to have everyones back, and not only Harry's. RIP Hagrid!

Gryffindor House

Gryffindor house banner

I've always known that Gryffindor was the house for me.
Gryffindors are known for their nerve, chivalry, daring, courage, bravery and determination.
These traits I truly align with!

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