Hoo Aboot A Braw Day Out?

- A Birthday Trip To Scotland -

Scottish Highlands
The travel route

Edinburgh, Scotland's compact, hilly capital, is a popular landing spot for tourists. From there, we go further north by rental car or van. The first stop during this round trip will be your plot of land in the Glencoe Woods where we will take commemorative photos in kilts. We then move on to Fort Williamsburg and Loch Ness for... obvious reasons 🐍 Then we will swerve east to go towards Doune Castle to "fetchez la vache" 🐄🐮

Important sights along the way

We will try to hit the following spots:
His Lordship's plot of land, the filming locations of The Holy Grail, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones etc. and the legendary lake of Nessie.
More destinations to be added later on.

Culinary temptations (?)
Coded by Josy-Ann Lätsch
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