

It's well known that Australians take coffee drinking very seriously. This is evident from the long list of different types of coffee you're likely to find on almost every café or restaurant menu. Cappuccino, latte, long black, short black, espresso, macchiato, piccolo and there's more. Then there's the milk options - full milk, skimmed milk, almond milk, lactose-free, coconut milk, the list goes on. For newbie coffee drinkers or for those searching for their preferred cup, this can all feel a bit overwhelming. Which drinks have milk, are served with chocolate, have a frothy top, or have no milk at all? What do these different drinks taste like? Which are the most popular? Are all coffees caffeinated? In order to cut the confusion, we've put together a guide on few of the different types of coffees and the ways that they can be enjoyed.

Types of coffee


Espresso is an Italian style of coffee that's brewed very strong and served in a small cup.

long black

Similar to an Americano, but with a stronger aroma and taste. A long black is made by pouring a double-shot of espresso or ristretto over hot water.

flat white

A flat white is a coffee drink consisting of espresso with microfoam - steamed milk with small, fine bubbles and a glossy or velvety consistency


It is an espresso-based drink, made with one or two shots of espresso, 5-6 ounces of hot steamed milk, and a thin layer of milk foam on the top.


It is espresso coffee topped with frothed hot milk or cream and often flavored with cinnamon or chocolate powder.

mocha coffee

A cafe mocha is essentially a chocolate flavored variant of a cafe latte, or even a hot chocolate with shots of espresso in it.

📖 Read more about coffee types

Coded by Aleks Christow👩🏻‍💻