Wolframe 🐺

Welcome to the pack!

This is a gaming web site started 1 year ago by a 26 years old italian guy who moved away from his hometown to try having a better life.
Moving to Edinburgh, Scotland he made possible for himself realizing one of his biggest hobbies, become a gamer!
Starting on the 26th Decembr 2021, within only one week he managed to make live stream every day for few weeks.
Day after day he reached more than 100 followers which might seem only a few but he started growing.
After a while people started asking him to play toghether.
Plaiyng games like League Of Legend and getting better every match at it, people started seeing his potential until he reached the affiliation with Twitch. He made possible for himself with all his hardwork to create his own merchandise helping him to grow more and more. One day he hopes to reach more and more people making this hobby into a full time job.

If you wanto to be part of the pack, click the button below and subscribe on the channel to watch the live streams, to be the first to know any news and to stay updated with any videos.